Wednesday, August 8, 2007

quote of the day

From our recent move to the new showroom, we have been getting some very positive feedback on the layout and "openness" of the space. Sitting at the reception "retaining wall", It's slightly entertaining to observe how customers walk in and respond to the change. We have noticed a consistency in the process.

1. Open door (usually attempting the left side first, which is always locked. Then, fumble around trying to open the right side.)
2. Walk in and immediately look up (It's probably all the amazing chandeliers that we have hanging from above.)
3. Look to the reception "retaining wall".

Now, one of two things happen at this point:

4a. Confidently walk straight up to the reception desk with no fear of the water moat that surrounds it.

4b. Look again at that "retaining wall", ask themselves, "Is that the reception desk," look to the right for any familiarity, look up again, and back to the "retaining wall".

After this happens, they are greeted warmly (...ehem) and another set of two probabilities occur.

5a. They will either say, "Whoa! What is this place?"

5b. Or, we'll get, "Wow! Look at this place? This is way more _______ than the other showroom you guys had." (Insert positive remark in blank.)

We've received some very interesting comments. So, we can't help but document each comment made. There are just too many to remember.

Here's the top pick of the week from a customer who shall remain anonymous:

You know, when you guys first moved, I wasn't sure about it. But, now this place is terrific! It's almost like a...weird, fantastic apartment...

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